Thursday, February 19, 2015

So Much the Same

I was searching the web for the new blog I am planning to start and Googled the and found myself on the blogsite of a young woman that wrote about many of the same things I did this past year. Her time of writing was in 2012, but it was really amazing how much we had in common.

As members of the human race, we all have certain things in common. So why do we let the small things in which we differ separate us? A friend spoke today about "vibe" and I suppose that the "vibe" each of us emits is a phenomenon. I know the moods we have and the state of mind in which we find ourselves affects our "vibe."

Somewhere in the distant past I remember reading or hearing something about being the kind of person that one would want to have as a friend. If that is true, I really do not know why I have any friends.

Recently someone very close to me brought something to my attention that I did not want to "hear." I did not want to own my habit of speaking in the "instructor" voice or mode.( I am not E F Hutton, but apparently my sub-conscience thinks I am.) This friend was letting me know the truth, and was kind in the delivery, but part of the time I was thinking "STOP! Don't you know that I am the one that is supposed to hurt feelings by telling the truth!"

Probably most of the people I have hurt over the years have long since quit paying attention to what is going on in my life, but if any of you have stuck around and happen to read this I AM APOLOGIZING FOR BEING A FIRST RATE JERK TO YOU. Please continue to afford me the 70x7 application of forgiveness and thank you for being the kind of friend I am trying to learn to be. Please, please, please don't give up on me ... I finally "see" the problem, I stopped and looked deeply in to the mirror.

Until Later ~ Rita Darlene        

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