Saturday, May 3, 2014

What matters most?

This is a post that I started to write on April 21st. but I did not complete it at that time. Like so many other things in my life, I began with gusto and then quit. I am an idea person (I think that is a trait my birth son gets from me.) I can procrastinate so long, that I put myself under too much pressure trying to meet the commitments I have made.

It is Monday night, after 9pm and my youngest wants a burger. We have been burger free this previous week, and truthfully, I would like to stay that way. Krystal and Steak and Shake have provided us enough calories that we will have to diet the rest of the month to stay in our current sized pants.(We did not diet and our pants are straining at the seams.)

Lifestyle changes are what everyone preaches. I think that lettuce wraps are in my near future. I have weighed over 200 lbs. for over 20 years. By the time I turn 53 I want to weigh 155 or less. But the weight number is not the only goal I want to attain. Sure, I want to be shaped in a way that I can buy misses sized clothes, off the rack, at my favorite thrift haunts, but mostly I want to be able to play rigorously with my grandchildren.

I have read and tried many "diets" that work for the time frame that I focus and stay with the program. I have had times that I can say I was a focused Christian. I can look back at times when I was a good mother and grandmother. There have been times when I was a great wife. Many times I have been called an excellent cook. In the years between 2004 and 2007, I was considered a pillar in my local Woman's Club. I know that I have the same twenty-four hours in the day, seven days in the week, twelve months in the year as everyone else, I just have to prioritize my life.

If you read this blog, you will join me as I take the remaining 304 days of being 51, and make changes necessary, to be the best 52 year old I can be on March 3, 2015. My focus in the near future (like the next half hour), will be on reading the Bible, because I find that all the days that I read from it are better than any of the days I have skipped reading it. Here is the scripture for today. This one, I will try to implant in my brain and live by for ever. Matthew 6:33 look it up, if you have a Bible, but start reading at about verse 19 and you will get a glimpse of why, for me, this is what matters most.
Until Later ~ Rita Darlene 

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