Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Wild and Wonderful

Today I woke up and suddenly had a vision of what I want to do with my near future. My friend Ron owns a restaurant that is open for lunch on weekdays. I love most of his food (part of his menu I will not try because I do not eat pork or shellfish), but some things I think I do better, like pasta salad. I do not want to be tied to a restaurant five days a week, but I would LOVE to produce a Sunday brunch. So, I am in negotiations, well more like an exploration, of opening his place on Sundays maybe 10:30 - 3:00 for brunch/early lite dinner.

I want to prepare the things I love and enjoy, the food I would feed you if you came to eat at my house : A fruit plate and muffins, Johnny cakes with blackberry syrup, quiche, onion soup, corn chowder, a beef tenderloin steak sandwich, salmon and dill infused cream cheese on pumpernickel bread, a tuna stuffed tomato, stuffed shells, a chili frittata, and what I served today, my rancher's bowl.

Please tell me what you think of this endeavor. Those of you who know me and have eaten at my table, tell me what menus stand out in your memory and what I should share. Thanks so much.
Until Later ~ Rita Darlene


  1. Your stuffed french toast would be even better than the Johnny cakes! It would also lend itself to batch made rather than made to order. <3 the idea!

  2. I remember quite a few years ago, that you made a ridiculously good turkey for Thanksgiving. I'm not a fan of turkey, mainly because it almost always dry. You had soaked in a brine for a long time. That was probably one of my favorite turkeys ever. Also, you made great steaks the last time we were together. It was super yummy! This doesn't answer whether or not I think you should do it, but, I think you need to find what will make you happy. If cooking for other people will make you happy, I say go for it!

  3. I Think it is a great idea if Ron would go along with it ! You cannot forget the French onion soup. How many people have had your French Onion Soup? They would
    definitely come back for more! Hope it works! Mom
