Saturday, March 15, 2014


In an attempt to avoid heartache and pain, I tend to keep my own counsel instead of garnering the views of others. According to Proverbs 15:22 ("without counsel, plans go awry, but in the multitude of counselors they are established") I may be setting myself up for difficulties. So many times, I really do not want to hear what others think about my choices. Like most selfish people, I want to think that what I am doing is accepted - let's save the criticism for someone else!

Last night, on the road home from Live Oak, the girls and I were talking about various things. I queried my oldest daughter as to how many of these blogs she would edit. She replied "All of them." Immediately that response hurt, but then she followed with something like "Not so much for content or grammar, but punctuation." Okay, this, I know, is one of my weaknesses. The strategically placed comma can be so elusive. Ron, my friend that owns Judson's restaurant, told me last week, "Keep writing Rita, but use your punctuation!" That had been quickly barked at me as I was going out the door, and since he had to leave off speaking to someone else to say it, I basked in the acknowledgement that he was reading instead of the critique.   

We can not avoid evaluation, it is a necessary part of life. From kindergarten to retirement, we are constantly being graded against the model. For those of us that claim Christianity, we are always having to ask ourselves how Jesus would have done it. Many, like me, strive for perfection in all that we attempt, while others are satisfied with mediocrity. The need to do things well, can be very limiting. Not many people can hit a bulls eye with the first throw of a dart. Being great at something takes practice, and if one is unwilling to put in the time to achieve greatness, he or she may have a life full of one time experiences.

Time and practice are not the only investments one makes in acquiring a skill. We also have to accept instruction and be able to own our imperfections. There are times when I recognize that  another person's opinion or perspective would help me gain clarity on a situation. Other times I am caught up in my delusions of perfection. This blog is mostly for me. That having been said, I welcome your feedback. I do not want a one-sided life.  Until later ~ Rita Darlene

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