Monday, March 17, 2014

Full Moon Frenzy

Our vacation trip began in the middle of a full moon. This was a shot taken very early on March 16th, just as we were putting all the luggage in my minivan. I felt nauseated from a stomach full of coffee and the lack of sleep. The night before I got a massage, cooked for some friends, stayed up packing and paying bills that would be due while we are gone; basically I got no sleep. We made it to the Jacksonville airport on time and caught our flight to Ft Lauderdale, where we changed planes to fly to San Juan, Puerto Rico.

On the flight to PR, I spoke with a lovely couple from New Hampshire. They had recently become engaged and were in route to St Marten. Their day before had been spent at a  friend's wedding in Florida. I think myself a perceptive person, and I perceive that there was an open bar at the wedding. We, the gentleman and I, were seeing who could ingest the most vodka, (at five bucks a pop) on our short flight. He was fighting a hangover and the fear of flying, and I was determined to have drinks on my vacation, but not the ten dollar variety on the ship.

It is amazing how much information we give to strangers, especially when we share a common activity. I never introduced myself, but I did give them the address of this blog.(Hi lovely couple from New Hampshire.) It was rude, I know, to talk of my family and vacations past, inquire about their upcoming nuptials and their accommodations in St. Marten, while never exchanging names. We are living in a world that requires no formal manners, (I will save my rant about that for another time, while giving loads of information about my life to strangers.)

Once arriving at the airport in Puerto Rico, we utilized the services of a very handsome baggage handler. I felt bad for him, because it was obvious that the woman in charge of the taxi delegations, did not like him. I joked that it was because he was prettier than her. We ended up going upstairs to the arriving flights area to hail a taxi.

I took a few pictures on the ride to the port. Let me warn you all that I am a horrible photographer. I can admire a view, but I sure have a hard time getting it to translate to a picture. The adage about a picture being worth a thousand words, does not apply to my pictures.

My older children get frustrated with me because I do not have any of the skills that they developed in college. All three of my birth children have artistic ability : my son is a photographer, videographer, freehand artist, graphic designer, painter, poet, musician (generally an extremely talented guy), my older daughter is an exceptional photographer, and she does amazingly artistic things to cakes, my youngest daughter is ok with a camera, but the art she can produce with a pencil and paper is astounding. I am pretty sure that the raw talent was handed down through my DNA, but I have not taken the time to hone any natural talent I may have. I hope to do just that this year. Perhaps my blogs will improve as I do. Until Later ~Rita Darlene

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