Friday, March 28, 2014

Vices and Virtues

This day was really different than the one I had planned. My plan was to help a friend get her furniture moved, go to the 1:20 movie, and then take my youngest daughter to work by 4:30. Well, I never touched a piece of my friend's furniture and at 1:20 I was partly through a day of being my daughter's chauffeur.

My beautiful, twenty year old college girl, is the "rain man" of art. Her drawing talent is amazing. This semester she is also enrolled in a painting class, which has proven to be more challenging for her. Our ability to communicate with each other is  a work in progress. Today, she needed to go to her art studio and then across town to submit artwork to a juried  show (she did not tell me until last night.) We got this done and she was at work early, but my planned schedule for the day was shot.

People are always surprised that my daughter does not drive. I have a very strong belief that she should not be behind the wheel until she has learned to control her diabetes. She nearly died, earlier this year, from acute acidosis. She seems incapable of taking her disease seriously, so, I can not allow her to put herself, and others, in jeopardy, by driving. When we move, I do plan to make sure we are close to a bus route.

The day ended well. I did get to see the movie God is not Dead. The later showing was still only five bucks and it was really enjoyable. The friend that went with me, took me to dinner at my favorite Thai restaurant and we were able to have a relaxed chat and a tasty meal. Once I got back home,  (while waiting for my girl to be delivered home by her boyfriend,) I capped off the evening by eating the last piece of Belgian chocolate and drinking some Dunkin' Donuts coffee. My daughter sent a text after work to let me know I needn't wait up, she and her friends were going out to one of their favorite late night spots.

I went to sleep to the sound of the television and thoughts of my friends and family. My girl came in around 1:30 and I have been awake ever since. The early morning has been spent in contemplation. I ask myself how life can get so off schedule. I now feel like I might be able to get a couple more hours of shut eye before I attempt to start another day. Until Later ~Rita Darlene

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