Tuesday, March 4, 2014


Hello! It is just past midnight, and unfortunately, I am awake. So now I am listening to some of my favorite songs, Etta James is telling her man how she would rather be blind than to see him walk away from her and now Adele says she should not be underestimated. Songs about strong women and men being made weak by love are common on my playlist. It seems that to love and be loved in return is the motivation behind a huge portion of the human condition (or maybe just in my white-bred, spoiled American world.) I have loved and do love many people. The attraction is not always immediate, some people just "grow on you."

I am not a widely traveled person, but everywhere that I have gone, it seems people all want the same things: food, shelter, and  a way to produce the money to provide those things. Most people want a better life than their parents and most parents also want that for their children. I have noticed though, that the young people are staying at home much longer, (if they are allowed) and that it is nearly impossible to have the kind of home in which I grew up. My dad worked a job and brought home the money and mom took care of the house and us kids. She made our meals, and dad cut our grass and did the tune-up on the car. Our entertainment was the occasional Disney film at the local theater or Saturday night card games around the kitchen table. The thing I really miss the most is the way people spoke to each other and listened.

Perhaps I will be able to sleep now. Bonnie Raitt is explaining that she will give up the fight, and give up her heart because she can not make someone love her. I feel that sentiment often enough. If you keep reading my blog, I might just "grow on you." Until tomorrow ... ~Rita Darlene

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